The Future of the GitLab Web IDE
GitLab 發表新 WebIDE 的特色與整合說明, 是以 VS Code 核心引擎 Monaco 開發整合而來的.
The Web IDE is built on top of the fantastic open source project, Monaco. What made Monaco a great choice as the foundation of the Web IDE is also what makes it more difficult to address all these concerns holistically. Monaco is just that: a foundation. We have to implement all these workflows and features ourselves. Meanwhile, another open source project has been laser-focused on delivering a lovable IDE on top of Monaco.
VS Code 確實是 Microsoft 近年來最受歡迎肯定的產品專案. 以 VS Code 為基礎整合開發其實合理. 但因微軟同時擁有 GitHub, 整件事變得有趣.
It's interesting to me that GitLab is adopting a Microsoft product (VS Code) and Microsoft owns a significant competitor in GitHub. Nothing intelligent to say about that other than to wish I'd been a fly on the wall for the discussions about that.
Hacker News 上許多討論為何 GitHub 身為 GitLab 最大的對手, GitLab 卻選用了對手母公司的專案作為核心功能. 順便把曾經被 GitHub 號稱的 21 世紀 IDE - Atom 抓出來鞭屍一下.